Velikii Ohotnik Cattery presents grand-grandchildren of Iris Velikii Ohotnik
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псяяйхи ъгшй
Mother: Shalunja Velikii Ohotnik
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The Litter
Father: Simon Lvinoye Serdce
Gracia Velikii Ohotnik (reserved)
Georg Velikii Ohotnik
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Glamur Velikii Ohotnik
Gordei Velikii Ohotnik
Germes Velikii Ohotnik
Georg Velikii Ohotnik
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Gordei and Glamur Velikii Ohotnik
Gracia Velikii Ohotnik (reserved)
Glamur Velikii Ohotnik
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Gordei Velikii Ohotnik
Gracia Velikii Ohotnik (reserved)
On the 5th of November 2009 graddaughter of our Iris- Shalunja Velikii Ohotnik gave birth to five kittens:
Blue silver tabby female (Gracia), two blue tabby point with white males (Glamur and Germes) and two seal tabby males (Georg and Gordei)
Father: Ch. Simon Lvinoye Serdce, seal tabby point with white (owner- Elena Altuhova)
Mother: Shalunja Velikii Ohotnik, blue silver tabby point (owner- Elena Vazhnik)
If you are interested in our kittens- call me +7 (495) 427 2804, +7 (916) 602 6538 or
Email me
Arsenii and Iris
Ines Sibirskaya Exotica
Dorofei Velikii Ohotnik, cat of President of Russia
How we look when we grow up
Previous Litters
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